With the new year comes a Chester County Democratic Committee planned reorganization to our zone formerly known as the Bradford Democrats. The East Fallowfield Township Dems have now been welcomed into our previous Zone 7 to join with East and West Bradford Township Dems, forming a new zone with two additional precincts. Various name changes had been considered, but since the three townships include both East and West Branches of the Brandywine Creek, the “Brandywine Creek Democrats” are born (to win).
Note that our regular monthly meeting date is changing, to the First Monday of each month, beginning March 6. We will still be meeting at the East Bradford Township “Schoolhouse” building, 674 Copeland Road in West Chester, just off Route 322.
Please bear with us as we go through a transition likely to take several weeks, with changes to political committee registration, bank accounts, website URL, and a new logo. You will still see the same friendly faces (and some new ones) at our meetings, knocking on doors, and at the polls on Primary Election Day, May 16, 2023.